About the Japanese tragedy..

Juste un post d'un blogueur qui tient à garder son anonymat (don't ask me why). L'article n'est pas de moi. J'ai simplement voulu le partager étant donné qu'en dehors des blagues vaseuses des uns et de la compassion ressentie par les autres, il y a également un point que l'on ne mentionne rarement dans ce que j'ai pu remarquer. Je tiens à préciser: je ne suis pas spécialement versé dans la politique, mais ces deux paragraphes m'ont "ouvert l'esprit", et j'ai voulu le partager.
L'article est en anglais au fait. Je ne le traduirais pas (sauf demande explicite) par flemme et parce que certaines expressions n'ont tout simplement pas d'équivalent "satisfaisant" à mes yeux.


Could we possibly have gone wrong at some point ? No shit ?

I can’t tell how it’s going in other countries, but at least in my country (ndlr: France), the Japanese horrible tragedy, more precisely their problem with the Fukushima nuclear plants, stirs the same nauseatingly repeated debate. To make it into a caricature, it’s “Greedy brainwashed pro-nuclear realist neocons” VS “Unrealistic green khmers living on Care Bear Planet”.

The most sickening part in this is that nobody actually listens to the other party’s arguments, but everybody’s taking advantage of the shit hitting Japan to try and prove they’re right. The Japanese shouldn’t have used such a dangerous energy, the Japanese should have instead bought safer plants for instance the ones we’re selling… ¬_¬
Fuckers without morals.
Hey, I know, my post is pointless, but it’s MY blog, you can’t prevent me from posting useless stuff when I feel like it 

(more useless rambling follows, you may wish to skip it)

A summary, if you care, of what the real debate should have been ?

- nuclear energy sucks big time, even rich western countries can’t handle it as soon as shit hits the fan, and this alea is wrongly excluded from the calculation cost of that energy. Plus, there’s not even for a century left of uranium. We can replace it, right, then let’s do it… Can we ?
- gas-powered plants, hey, it’s better, extremely cleaner and safer ! Oh, but wait, if we replace nuclear plants with gas  plants, we don’t even have 50 years of gas left, let’s hope global warming hits hard otherwise winters will be a pain in the ass.
- fuel-powered plants, it’s dirtier but at least it could last a bit more than 50 years, hopefully. Well, less, if developing countries aspire to western lifestyle and if it replaces gas or nuclear plants.
- coal power plants. WOOT, it could last 180 years if nobody ever lied on the subject (checking that figure shocked me, I thought it was 1000 years), and if it’s not replacing uranium, gas and fuel, and if the world stops developing itself and the population stops growing.
- fusion energy ? The most optimistic wisemen predict it could be made possible in 60 years at best, should it finally work. If it doesn’t work in time…
- otherwise, there’s reusable natural resources : wood-based power plants, and solar energy, and energy using sea currents, waves, wind and hydroelectric energy. Except that even the most optimistic laudators reckon it can only provide a part of a country’s energy mix, not provide energy for all the needs, it wouldn’t be producing enough even in the best case, and a too large part of it cannot produce energy 24/7 in every place needing it, leading to unsolved storing and transporting problems.
This brings back the title of my post : Could we possibly have gone wrong at some point ?
No shit ? No way !
We want a new TV, 2 or 3 kids, a new car, new plastic toys, bigger houses, holidays on another continent, new stuff, new machines, and more, and more, and more !
And we’re right to want it ! Metaphorically, we’re falling down from a cliff, but we’re right to trust we can find solutions before hitting the ground.
Or not.

Perhaps we could involve ourselves a bit more in supporting hope-bearing projects ?
Perhaps we could start devising ways to strongly reduce our environmental impact, consider having less kids, don’t you guys think ?
It’s so depressing, it’s safer to act as if wiser guys will find a magical solution worthy of Care Bear Planet, to forget about it and keep on downloading porn.
Sorry to post such a long rant from a pessimistic liberal European guy hopelessly wishing to finally read reasons to believe in a better future, that may sound rude and hypocritical to people not living with our comfortable lifestyle, or you may also disagree, but, hey, MY blog, MY ramblings 

When I was a kid, I imagined things would stay the way they were until the end of the world. As a teenager and a young adult, I learned treasures of thought born more than two thousand years ago, I learned to love modern civilisation’s ambition to create principles available for a all mankind, as long as there would be mankind.
- And now, even a 150 year prospect into the future is beyond hazardous : this fact is enraging me.
Hey, if you feel I’m dead wrong, you’re more than welcome to prove me wrong !"

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