Let's Burn Again

J'ai changé d'humeur. Ben ouais, comme ça. 

It's good to see you again
You my lover
Take my hand

It's so good to touch your skin
To grab your jeans
And bite your lips again

We're gonna make it' til we get sick
Stop talking about it, let's burn again

Now lay down on me
I'm sure you've gonna love it
It's all we desire
We're gonna catch on fire
Just to feel again
(The two of us)

I like your morning face
Your morning breath
Let's make love twice

It's been so long since I've been here
Smelt your hair
And felt your breasts

Blissful and lazy it's all I wanna be
There ain't no time to waste, let's burn again

Blissful and lazy it's all I wanna be
There ain't no time to waste, let's burn again

Love in our veins
Love in our veins

2 commentaire(s):

Elsa. a dit…

C'est peaceful and lazy, je crois. ;)

Je l'ai écouté en boucle hier. Aujourd'hui, je l'ai dans la tête non-stop. Mais j"me plains pas. ^^

Di$ident a dit…
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